​School of Earth, Environmental and Sustainability Sciences (SEESS)
IISER Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, 695551

Research profiles
Google scholar citations: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=A38CbmoAAAAJ
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bhavya-P-S
1. P.S. Bhavya, Sanjeev Kumar, GVM Gupta, Sudheesh Valliyodan, Jabir Thajudheen: Inter-seasonal variation in nitrogen uptake rates of the eutrophic Cochin estuary and adjacent coastal Arabian Sea (2023). Marine Pollution Bulletin.
2. Subhadeep Chowdhury, Eric Raes, Cora Hörstmann, Ayaz Ahmed, Céline Ridame, Nicolas Metzl, P. S. Bhavya, Takuya Sato, Takuhei Shiozaki, Sophie Bonnet, Carolin R. Löscher, Arvind Singh, Mar Benavides: Diazotrophy in the Indian Ocean: current understanding and future perspectives (2023). Limnology and Oceanography Letter.
3. Sang Heon Lee, P. S. Bhavya, Bo Kyung Kim: Marine Nitrogen Fixation and Phytoplankton Ecology (2022). Water.
4. Ho-Won Lee, Jae-Hoon Noh, Dong-Han Choi, Misun Yun, P. S. Bhavya, Jae-Joong Kang, Jae-Hyung Lee, Kwan-Woo Kim, Hyo-Keun Jang, Sang-Heon Lee: Picocyanobacterial contribution to the total primary production in the northwestern Pacific Ocean (2021). Water.
5. P. S. Bhavya, Jae Joong Kang, Hyo Keun Jang, HuiTae Joo, Jae Hyung Lee, Jang Han Lee, Jung Woo Park, Kwanwoo Kim, Hyung Chul Kim, Sang Heon Lee: The Contribution of Small Phytoplankton Communities to the Total Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen Assimilation Rates in the East/Japan Sea: An Experimental Evaluation (2020). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.
6. Mi Sun Yun, Yejin Kim, Yubeen Jeong, Hui Tae Joo, Young Heon Jo, Chang Hwa Lee, Hyeonji Bae, Dabin Lee, P. S. Bhavya, Dongseon Kim, Jun Sun, Sang H Lee: Weak response of biological productivity and community structure of phytoplankton to mesoscale eddies in the oligotrophic Philippine Sea (2020). Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.
7. Y. J. Kim, …..P. S. Bhavya and S. H. Lee: Seasonal Variations in the Small Phytoplankton Contribution to the Total Primary Production in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica. (2019). Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.
8. P. S. Bhavya, …..and S.H. Lee: A Review on Marine N2 Fixation: Mechanism, Evolution of Methodologies, Rates, and Future Concerns. (2019), Ocean Science Journal.
9. P. S. Bhavya, ….and S. H. Lee: A research note on the importance of N2 fixation in the East/Japan Sea (2019), Regional Studies in Marine Science.
10. Hyung Chul Kim, Jae Hyung Lee, Won-Chan Lee, Sokjin Hong, Jae Joong Kang, Dabin Lee, Naeun Jo, PS Bhavya: Decoupling of Macromolecular compositions of particulate organic matters between the water columns and the sediment in Geoje-Hansan Bay, South Korea (2019), Ocean Science Journal.
11. P. S. Bhavya, …and S. H. Lee: A review on macromolecular compositions in the marine phytoplankton and its implications on aquatic food web. (2019), Ocean Science Journal.
12. Sanjeev Kumar, P. S. Bhavya, R. Ramesh, Fidel Chiriboga, Arvind Singh, G.V.M. Gupta, Indrani Karunasagar, Ashwin Rai, Ann-Sofi Rehnstam-Holm, Lars Edler and Anna Godhe: Nitrogen uptake potential under different temperature-salinity conditions: Implications for nitrogen cycling under climate change scenarios. (2018), Marine Environmental Research.
13. P. S. Bhavya, S. H. Lee and others: Small phytoplankton contribution towards nitrogen and carbon uptake rates in the Kara, Laptev, and East Siberian Seas. Biogeosciences, (2018), doi.org/10.5194/bg-15-5503-2018.
14. P. S. Bhavya, Sanjeev Kumar, G. V. M. Gupta, K. V. Sudharma, and V. Sudheesh: Spatio-temporal variation in δ13CDIC of a tropical eutrophic estuary (Cochin estuary, India) and adjacent Arabian Sea, Continental Shelf Research, (2018), DOI 10.1016/j.csr.2017.12.006.
15. P. S. Bhavya, Sanjeev Kumar, and G. V. M. Gupta, K. V. Sudheesh, and K. V. Sudharma: Carbon uptake rates in the Cochin estuary and adjoining coastal Arabian Sea (2017): Estuaries and coasts 1-10: DOI: 10.1007/s12237-016-0147-4.
16. Singh, A., Kürten, B., Cedras, R., Fernandes, M., N. Kumar and 41 authors (2016): Perspectives on future Indian Ocean research from early career scientists, Current Science, 111 (11), 1741-1742.
17. P. S. Bhavya, Sanjeev Kumar, and G. V. M. Gupta, K. V. Sudheesh, and K. V. Sudharma: Effect of anthropogenic activities on nitrogen dynamics of the coastal Arabian Sea. (2016): Indian Ocean Bubble-2: Issue 5-August-2016.
18. P. S. Bhavya, Sanjeev Kumar, G.V.M. Gupta, V. Sudheesh, and K.V. Sudharma: Carbon isotopic composition of suspended particulate matter and dissolved inorganic carbon in the Cochin estuary during post-monsoon. (2016): Current Science. doi: 10.18520/cs/v110/i8/1539-1543.
19. Gurpreet Kaur-Kahlon, Sanjeev Kumar, Ann-Sofi Rehnstam-Holm, Ashwin Rai, P. S. Bhavya, Lars Edler, Arvind Singh, Björn Andersson, Indrani Karunasagar, R. Ramesh, and Anna Godhe: Response of a tropical pelagic microbial community to changed salinity and temperature: Implications for structure and production in coastal water under climate change scenarios (2016). Aquatic microbial ecology; doi: 10.3354/ame01785, 77:37-50.
20. P. S. Bhavya, Sanjeev Kumar, G.V.M. Gupta, V. Sudheesh, K.V. Sudharma, D.S. Varrier, K.R. Dhanya, and N. Saravanane: Nitrogen uptake dynamics in a tropical eutrophic estuary (Cochin estuary) and adjacent coastal regions during pre-monsoon (2015). Estuaries and coasts. 10.1007/s12237-015-9982-y. 39: 54-67.
21. P. S. Bhavya, Sanjeev Kumar, G.V.M., Gupta, V., Sudheesh, D.S., Varrier, and K.V., Sudharma: Tracing of sources of dissolved inorganic carbon in a tropical estuary (Cochin estuary, India) using d13CDIC, 28th ISMAS conference proceedings (2014): ISBN 978-81-904442-6-2: Page-271-273.
22. Qurban, A., C. Balala, Sanjeev Kumar, P. S. Bhavya, and M. Wafar: Primary production in the northern Red Sea (2014) Journal of Marine Systems.132:75–82. doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2014.01.006